Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Pony Club

Here's Sara and Badger after they had completed their testing! He was such a good boy, he earned himself a few treats back at the barn. Also, the girls in the picture below are the peers of the girls taking the tests. I think it's wonderful to teach these kids how to administer test, complete them and help the "newbies" feel more comfortable.
Sara will be heading out this coming Sunday for "OPENING DAY" for the foxhunt season. She will not however be wearing a red jacket, as they have to earn those (kind of like earning your stripes in the army)


Beryl, Melvyn, Christopher and Rick said...

Fox hunt! not a real one I hope!...:-( Yes this is Chris and his bleeding heart!

Beryl, Melvyn, Christopher and Rick said...

Alright Janet, you are getting to slow down on this, put something on PLEASE. Mum.